Valentine’s Day



Soon, I will be in Minneapolis, having a Valentine’s day weekend. I won’t actually be there until the evening of Feb 15th though, so I will

miss Valentine’s day. I think this would bug a lot of people, maybe because I have not been big on celebrating Valentine’s day in the past, it doesn’t matter so much to me. I think more though, I have had to learn to accept that being in an LDR means, that you might just have to deal with being alone on days where society says you shouldn’t. When I was single, Valentine’s day made me angry. Everything around me (media, calendars, people) were telling me that this holiday is not for me. I am not invited. So, I would sit alone defiantly, or find some other single people to hang out with. For

many, after a long stint of being single, Valentine’s day becomes so hyped up because now I am finally in the club. I am normal again and no one needs to pity me.

What I h

I keep trying to look at the bright side. Most people are probably going to get some flowers and go for dinner. I get to travel to another country and have a night out in a different city. I get to go to restaurants I have never heard of before and I get a vacation out of the deal.ave learned though is that in an LDR, I can’t always choose when I will see my boyfriend. I would have loved to be there on Valentine’s Day, but that would have meant spending an extra $200, we didn’t do it. Simple as that.

So why is Valentine’s day bugging me this year? Just like when I was single, I feel like anyone I talk to is just going to look at me with pity rather than see the bright side I know is there. Say things like “See, that’s why I could never do a long distance relationship…” It makes me angry. I don’t like when people tell me how they couldn’t do what we are doing, that is too hard…. not exactly motivating, is it?

So seeing as I am going to be alone on Feb 14th this year, what are some ways to celebrate? There is always long distance dates. Both of you get a bottle of wine, have dinner together (online) watch the same movie, play online games. This year, I am doing something for myself. I am getting my hair done and I am going to buy dinner instead of cook it. No need to pity me. I think I am probably going to have a better weekend than most people!

Fuck Valentine’s Day… But, yay for the weekend and only one day to go!